
Christological Astronomy Dr. Dale Sides and Rev. David Scovel,

Christological Astronomy 91 Introduction

This is the first in a series on Christological Astronomy presented by Dr. Dale Sides and Rev. David Scovel, regarding the Word of God written in the heavens and the great significance it still plays. They cover what the heavens looked like on the day of Jesus Christs birth on September 11, 3 B.C. and the prophetic significance of the positioning of the Sun, Moon and planets amongst the Mazzaroth (Zodiac). They show how God the Father prophetically spoke about the coming work of the recently born Messiah through those signs. They are correlate that if God did this for the Son of God that He would also give prophetic snapshots to those whom He called as sons. They also gave some of this prophetic understanding to the attendees of the teachings regarding their birth dates.