
David Hall - Mazzaroth Gospel (12 videos)

Mazzaroth Gospel.  Using the ancient star charts and the Scriptures, Brother David Edwin Hall clearly explains Biblical Astronomy.

1.Virgo - Christ the Incarnate Son 2.Libra - Christ the Redeemer
3.Scorpio - Christ the Sufferer
4.Sagittarius - Christ the Conquerer
5.Capricornicus - Christ the Sacrifice
6.Aquarius - Christ the Living Water
7.Pisces - Christ the Liberator
8.Aries - Christ the Crowned Lamb
9.Taurus - Christ the Judge
10.Gemini - Christ the King
11.Cancer - Christ the Protector, the Shepherd
12. Leo -Christ the Victor
12.Leo - Christ the Victor
From the last frame of his video: mailing address: Brother David Hall 4725 34th. Street #3 San Diego CA 92116-1856 email address: blog: